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Estimating combined loads of diffuse and point-source pollutants into the Borkena River, Ethiopia

Author(s): Eskinder Zinabu Belachew
Produced by: Wageningen University

Estimating the relative contribution of heavy metals and nutrients loads from diffuse and point sources and various hydrological pathways is a major research challenge in catchment hydrology. Understanding of the transfer, loads and concentrat....

Mitigating floods : reconstructing Lives : rehabilitating Thatta

Author(s): Gul, Marium
Produced by: MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Keywords: flood, Pakistan, natural hazards

Pakistan was struck by floods in July 2010, the effects of which left 20.36 million people affected and 1.9 million homes damaged or destroyed'. In the province of Sindh in Pakistan, most of the affected population of the historic city of Thatta took....

Rainfall-triggered shallow landslides at catchment scale: Threshold mechanics-based modeling for abruptness and localization

Author(s): J. von Ruette, P. Lehmann, D. Or
Produced by: Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, ETH
Keywords: shallow landslides;progressive failure;catchment scale, rainfall

Rainfall-induced shallow landslides may occur abruptly without distinct precursors and could span a wide range of soil mass released during a triggering event. We present a rainfall-induced landslide-triggering model for steep catchments with surface....

FEMA Flood Insurance Study Tutorial

Author(s): FEMA
Produced by: FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Keywords: flood, flood insurance, FEMA

FEMA Flood Insurance Study Tutorial Developed December 2000 Updated June 2003 Objectives: 1. To show what information is contained in the Flood Insurance Study 2. To explain what the informa....

Soil Moisture Measurements from Space and Application to Operational Hydrology

Author(s): Wolfgang Wagner
Produced by: Vienna University of Technology
Keywords: soil moisture, remote sensing, operational hydrology

Soil Moisture Measurements from Space and Application to Operational Hydrology Wolfgang Wagner Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (GEO) Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) Sourc....

Towards a Global Water Information System

Author(s): David Maidment
Produced by: University of Texas at Austin
Keywords: Information system, WaterML, database

Towards a Global Water Information System David R. Maidment Center for Research in Water Resources University of Texas at Austin at 14th Congress of the WMO Commission for Hydrology

The Australian Water Project

Author(s): John Langford Am, John briscoe
Produced by: CEDA: Committee for Economic Development of Australia
Keywords: ecosystem, risk, agriculture

Australia’s climate is one of the most variable in the world and the historical record since European settlement has been punctuated by severe droughts and floods. Australia’s uncertain climate is both a threat and an opportunity. While frequent ....

Cyclone shelters and cyclone resilient design in coastal areas of Bangladesh

Author(s): Jia, Zheng
Produced by: MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Keywords: Cyclone, shelter, Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of those countries that are most vulnerable to tropical cyclones. In recent decades, cyclone mitigations by the Government of Bangladesh and international organizations have greatly increased the coastal communities' resistance to c....

Quantitative risk analysis of urban flooding in lowland areas

Author(s): Ten Veldhuis, J.A.E.
Produced by: Delft University of Technology
Keywords: flood risk, urban, lowland

Urban flood risk analyses suffer from a lack of quantitative historical data on flooding incidents. Data collection takes place on an ad hoc basis and is usually restricted to severe events. The resulting data deficiency renders quantitative assessme....

From gravel to sand: Downstream fining of bed sediments in the lower river Rhine

Author(s): Roy Frings
Produced by: Utrecht University
Keywords: sediment transport, Rhine, dunes

Given my fascination for mountainous areas, it was a rather daring action to start a PhD research on lowland river dynamics, but I have never regretted the choice. Rivers, their landscapes, morphology and deposits turned out to be equally enthralling....

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From gravel to sand: Downstream fining of bed sediments in the lower river

Estimating the relative contribution of heavy metals and nutrients loads from diffuse and point sources and various hydrologi....

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